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"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"

-Andre Gide
Track Our Sailing Journey Live 

Curious about where we are right now? 
With Sailserver, you can now follow our journey live, tracking real-time data like wind speed, boat speed, and our exact position on the map.
This is the best way to virtually join us onboard as we sail.

For a complete log of our past travels, scroll down to the white map of NoForeignLand.

Happy sailing!

Our Sailing Adventure - From Poole to the World

Our journey began in Poole, England, where we bought our boat, Lumos.
Since then, we have sailed through various destinations, exploring new places and embracing life at sea.
The image below shows the full journey we've taken so far. 

Click on the image! 
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