#4 – Despite Covid-19, we begin our trip around the world
When we set the start date of our world trip, Covid-19 did not exist yet. The date of our one-way ticket was April 26, 2020.
By the end of March 2020, the first measures to fight the Covid-19 epidemic were also implemented in Switzerland. As a consequence, our flight was cancelled until further notice. By the end of April 2020, we were officially out of a job and had no apartment anymore. However, we had to reorganize ourselves very quickly. I was able to extend my employment contract by three months and we could stay one more month in our apartment. Luckily our landlord meanwhile, our good friend and a wonderful human, took us in to her home, gave us a bedroom and even shared their food with us.
Like everyone else we did not know at that time how the epidemic would develop but we wanted to think positively and postponed the launch of the trip for three months and not like before "until further notice". We were aware that even if we could travel in three months, the epidemic would not be history.
The last few months in Switzerland were exhausting for us. We had to prepare a lot, plan well and the worst, to say goodbye to our favorite people. The COVID-19 situation made it even more difficult. Our boat was in La Coruna in Spain and Spain was hit very hard by the virus which made us rethink our plans twice.
We started our world trip three months later than planned, on July 28, 2020. Early in the morning, we flew from Basel, our hometown, which had now become our home port with Lumos, to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
We had left the boat the past 2 years in different ports in La Coruna. Since October 2019 the boat was stored in dry dock in the Marina Seca. We spent the past three years most of our vacations on Lumos but this time it was not a vacation anymore. This time it felt different.
Four days after our arrival in Spain, our luggage also arrived at the port. This was the official moving day for us. With great joy we unpacked everything and started to store it on our boat. The limited space on the boat forced us to be creative and inventive. Everything had to fit in and also be practically accessible. But soon we realized that this will be an ongoing process fore sure, until we have given everything its final place on our small 37-foot boat.
Creating a super long to-do list was the very next step after the arrival. It's been almost 2 months since our arrival in Spain. We have been working day and night on the boat to get Lumos ready for the journey, but the effort was worth it. We turned our “daysailer” into a long-distance cruising boat with solar energy, watermaker and lots of other useful things like lithium batteries or radar antenna.
Now we are ready to sail the coast of Galicia with their wonderful Rias.